>>: Marketing > Marketing Menu options > List Bonus Schemes > Add Bonus Scheme

Add Bonus Scheme

Use this pop-up screen to add new bonus schemes. To access the screen, click the Add button above the column headers of the List Bonus Schemes screen or the List Brand Bonus Schemes screen.

Note: if bonus schemes 'overlap' then players may be awarded multiple bonuses. Care is required with bonus definition to ensure that players are not unintentionally awarded a double bonus.

The fields on this screen have the following properties:

Field Properties
Bonus Scheme Type

Type of scheme, selected from a list, for example: 'Referral (On Registration)', 'Awarded by Admin', 'Awarded by workflow'. In addition to the predefined bonus types, the system also has the functionality to award bonuses based on the result of a query, set up under Reporting > List Queries. This provides complete flexibility to award bonuses on almost any value or set of values stored in the database.

Bonus Scheme Name Meaningful unique short name for the bonus scheme.
Bonus Scheme Description Full description of the bonus scheme, displayed in lists of schemes.
Currency Currency of the bonus scheme, selected from a list.

Enter details of the new bonus scheme, then click the Add button to store them, or click the X button to abandon the entry and close the pop-up.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:28