>>: ESports > ESports Menu options > List ESport Tournaments > View ESport Tournament Ladder

View ESport Tournament Ladder

Use this screen to view or update the details of an ESport Tournament ladder (aka brackets), which appears in the HTML Schedule Div element of the branded page. To access the screen, click the View Brackets link at the top of the View ESport Tournament Details screen.

The screen shows a number of boxes, each representing a match between two participants, and positioned in a way that roughly represents the structure of the tournament ladder shown on the branded page it supports. The screen is mostly used by the tournament Marshall(s), whose role is similar to that of a referee in a boxing match.

The fields in each segment have the following properties:

Field Properties
Match Id Unique ID for the match, allocated by the system.
Position summary Textual summary of the match's position in the ladder, in terms of its Bracket, Round, Sequence, and Match number.

Match status, selected from a list: 'Draft', 'Pending', 'Running', 'Finished', 'Closed'. Click the Games link to the right of the Status drop-down, shown if appropriate, to display the View ESport Tournament Game Matches pop-up screen and update the game score. Note that in the initial implementation of ESport Tournaments, it is the tournament Marshall's responsibility to update the score and status of all matches.

Match description Textual description of the match, which is updated as results are recorded. For example 'Winner of 5 vs Jack Smith'.
Kickoff Projected date and time of the start of the match.
Marshall Marshall in charge of this match, selected from a list of users authorised to perform this role.

Change the details of any box, then click its Update button to store them. When finished, click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:27