>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > Manage Menus

Manage Menus

Use this screen to specify the content of system menus. To access the screen, select Utility Menu > Tools Menu > Manage Menus from the system options. Note that the Manage Menus option is also available using Access Control > User Management > Manage Menus.

The system menu hierarchy is defined in the left pane of the screen, with each node representing either: a menu or sub menu, or a menu entry in the form of a program or function.

Select a node and use the mouse right-click menu to create a new Item (entry) or Menu, or to Delete the node.

The right pane lists the fields associated with the selected node, and depending on whether the node is a menu or an entry, have the following properties:

Menu node fields
Field Properties
Title Menu title, as it appears in the menu.
Description Menu or sub menu description, for further information.
Order/Sequence Number which determines the order of items or sub menus within a menu.
Icon Icon name associated with the menu node.
Icon Type Icon type, selected from: 'Class', 'Text', 'URL'.

If required, change the details of the menu node fields, then click the Update Menu button to store them.

Entry node fields
Field Properties
Screen Title Screen title, as it appears at the top of the screen, and derived from the target program class.
Custom Title (optional) Custom screen title, which overrides the screen title value (see above).
Order/Sequence Number which determines the order of items or sub menus within a menu.
Icon Icon name associated with the menu node.
Icon Type Icon type, selected from: 'Class', 'Text', 'URL'.
Class Name Class called when the menu option entry is selected.
Mapping Name of HTML file mapped to the menu option entry.

If required, change the details of the entry node fields, then click the Update Entry button to store them.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:31