In the AliQuantum Platform, a 'user' refers to a person who logs in to the backend admin system to view or manage system details, as opposed to a 'player' who plays the games supported by the platform and is referenced by an Account ID. Users are allocated permissions which restrict the functions they are able to access in the system, and this also controls the menu options they see.
The user management functions list all users defined in the system and all available data related to an individual user, in particular the user's details, permissions, and the user groups that he/she belongs to. A user can be locked out of the system here, or his/her password reset.
User groups categorise user types, for example 'Admin' or 'Brand Owner', and are used to apply permissions across all users belonging to a single group.
Location management functions are currently under development, and will be used to define physical locations and the means to grant users or user groups access to them. Related to this are access control cards, which are distributed to players and use RFID technology to communicate with access control readers and locks. [email protected]: |
2017 AliQuantum Gaming v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:29 |