Use this screen to view or update Regulatory Regime details. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Regulatory Regimes screen.
The fields on this screen have the following properties:
Field | Properties |
Name | Name of the Regulatory Regime. |
Description | Meaningful description of the regime. |
Image | Regime's logo image displayed, plus file path and name. |
Policy Class | Path to the Java class package which defines how the regime communicates with the platform, and policies that are not otherwise recorded on the screen. |
Reporting URL | URL used for reporting to the regime. |
Reporting Userid | Userid used for reporting to the regime. |
Reporting Password | Password used for reporting to the regime. |
Currency | Currency used by the regime, selected from a list. |
Large Win Notification Amount | Win amount threshold that triggers notification to regime. |
Large Deposit Notification Amount | Deposit amount threshold that triggers notification to regime. |
Large Cashout Notification Amount | Cashout amount threshold that triggers notification to regime. |
Inactive Account Period | Number of days a player account is inactive that triggers notification of the account to regime. |
Admin User Password Pattern | Regular expression that defines the regime's requirements for an admin password, used for validation. |
Player Password Pattern | Regular expression that defines the regime's requirements for a player password, used for validation. |
KYC Policy | Know You Customer policy, selected from: 'Undefined', 'By Account Manager', 'After Registration', 'Before Deposit', 'Before Cashout'. |
View Licences | Click the View Licences link to display the List Regulatory Regime Licences screen for the associated regime. |
Change the details of the regime, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen. [email protected]: |
2017 AliQuantum Gaming v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30 |