>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List Purchase Packages > View Purchase Package Details

View Purchase Package Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of a purchase package. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List Purchase Packages screen.

Click the List Purchases link above the column headers to display the List Purchase Package Purchases screen for the selected purchase package.

The fields on this screen are grouped into a number of sections, and have the following properties:

Details section
Field Properties
Name Name of the purchase package.
Description Meaningful description of the purchase package.
Start Date Date and time of the start of the purchase package validity.
End Date Date and time of the end of the purchase package validity.
Live Flag If ticked, indicates that the purchase package is live and available.

Limit Purchase Package Scope section
Field Properties
Maximum Purchases per Account Maximum times this package can be purchased by a single player account.
Maximum Purchases In Total Maximum times this package can be purchased in total.
Allowable Brands Selectable list of brands that are included in the purchase package. Make multiple selections by clicking with the Ctrl key pressed.


Package Set Up section
Field Properties
Implementing Class Path to the Java class package which defines how the purchase package is implemented.
Parameter 1 Optional parameter for the implementing Java class package.
Parameter 2 Optional parameter for the implementing Java class package.
Parameter 3 Optional parameter for the implementing Java class package.
Parameter 4 Optional parameter for the implementing Java class package.
Parameter 5 Optional parameter for the implementing Java class package.


Pricing section
Field Properties
Cost Currency Currency the package is priced in, selected from a list.
Amount per Transaction Price amount in the above currency.

Change the details of the purchase package, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30