>>: Utilities > Utility Menu options > List External Systems > View External System Details

View External System Details

Use this screen to view or update the details of an external system. To access the screen, click an entry in the Name column of the List External Systems screen.

The fields on this screen are grouped into a number of sections, and have the following properties:

Details section
Field Properties
Name Meaningful name for the external system.
Description Description of the external system.
Icon Image Shows the icon image to represent the external system, plus file path and name.
Type External system type, selected from : '3rd Party Wallet', 'Affiliate System', 'Cloud Provider', ESport System', 'Forum', 'NGR Based System', 'Jackpot Server', 'KYC System', 'Odds Feed', 'Rake Based System', 'Sportsbook', 'Social Media', 'Streaming Service', 'Tournament System', 'Virtual Asset Inventory'.
Balance Transfer Type Balance transfer type, selected from: 'Automatic', 'User Action', 'None'.
Game Engine Provider Provider of the external system, selected from a list.
Interface Class Path to the Java class package which defines the external system interface.
API Url URL for the external system API.
API User Id User Id for the external system API.
API Password Password for the external system API.
Admin Url URL for the external system admin login.
Admin User Id User Id for the external system admin login.
Admin Password Password for the external system API.
Whitelist List of IP addresses from which the external system may be accessed, delimited by commas. An asterisk '*' means unrestricted.
Encryption Key Used to encrypt data exchanged with the external system.
Debits Only When Player Logged In If ticked, indicates that the external system only applies debits to the player account when the player is logged in.
Allow Negative Balance If ticked, indicates that the external system allows a negative balance (that is, allows credit).
Game Background Image URL URL for the external system background image.
Enabled If ticked, indicates that the external system is enabled and available.


Allowable Options section
Field Properties
Allowable Currencies Selectable list of currencies that the external system can operate with. Make multiple selections by clicking with the Ctrl key pressed.

Change the details of the external system, then click the Update button to store them, or click the browser Back button to return to the previous screen.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30