>>: Admin utilities > Statistics overview

System statistics overview

The system statistics screen offers a number of statistical data sets based on a specified range of data including Period, Affiliate, Brand, Marketing Code, and Currency. Available data sets include:

Note that currency conversion rates are scraped from a Google service overnight and are stored for use during the following day. All standard reports and statistics are generated at the time of the request using these 'current' exchange rate values, irrespective of the dates over which the statistics are being calculated. No historical daily exchange rates are stored for use in such circumstances, which therefore can give rise to exchange rate anomalies. For example, the results of a statistical run for the month of January 2016 prepared in February will most likely differ from the results of the same run prepared a month later, as the calculations of both runs will be based on different exchange rate values (that is, the 'current' ones at the time).

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:30