>>: Getting started

Getting started

This section shows you how to access the AliQuantum Platform, and provides details about the user interface by describing the main components of the application screen.

The AliQuantum Platform back office system is browser based, and so requires no special software to be installed on the computer you are using to access it. We recommend, however, that you use the latest available version of your chosen browser.

Throughout this guide you will find links to further information and references to functionality that is documented in other sections of the text. Hyperlinks are highlighted with blue in the online Help, and by the finger shaped pointer in the PDF (if you are reading it onscreen). In either case, refer to the Index if there is a procedure, screen or concept you want to look up.

The online version also provides context sensitive Help for each screen of the AliQuantum Platform. Click the Help button in the top right corner of the screen to open the online Help at the relevant topic, and explore links to related information.

2017 AliQuantum Gaming
v3.0.201710130000 - 03/02/2017 - 16:22